My book: Solving messy leadership problems

Do you ever feel like the challenges of leadership are a never-ending maze? Are you searching for a way to navigate the complex problems of leadership with confidence? This one is for you…

Whether you’re leading a small team or an entire organisation, you’re a front line manager or a CEO – all leaders face similar challenges. That’s why I’m thrilled to share with you my upcoming book, which is focused on solving messy leadership problems, set to be published by Hachette in 2025. Designed to empower leaders like you, the book is an essential guide for conquering the most common and intricate leadership challenges.

Decades of leadership insights at your fingertips
In my 20-plus years of coaching and consulting leaders, I’ve observed consistent issues faced by leaders worldwide. This insight led to the creation of my book, which offers dynamic solutions to common and complex problems, adaptable to your unique circumstances.

From the front lines of leadership
The book isn’t just theoretical, it’s packed with practical advice drawn from real-life experiences. I’ve also filled the chapters with interviews from leaders at all levels across various sectors, which I conducted in the making of the book.

Introducing a framework for effective leadership
Each chapter based around my leadership problem solving model:
• Establish that there is a problem
• Explore the problem in more detail
• Envision suitable solutions
• Execute your plan (and deal with any obstacles)
• Elevate your leadership – use your new skills to improve your leadership practice in other related areas

As well this, the book will cover key leaderships themes, including:
Supercharging personal effectiveness
Mastering decision-making
Navigating complex team dynamics
Cultivating culture and values
Crafting strategic excellence
Leading change that works
Fostering employee engagement

Each chapter includes ‘fit the context’ sections, helping you apply these ideas to your own professional circumstances.

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